Tuesday 24 February 2009

Street Fighter IV anally raped me!

Okay, so I got the new version of Street Fighter on Friday and have played it a fair bit over the weekend. I'm generally very impressed with the graphics and gameplay, with one notable exception: Seth. The final boss is a cocksmith. Seriously, you can kick his arse on the first round and in the second he turns into an unbeatable teleporting, Sonic Boom spamming, unblockable Shoryuken using cunt. And what sort of a name is Seth anyway?He sounds like a redneck.

Oh, and what genius decided it would be a good idea to let online players see which character their opponent is selecting? It puts the first player to select their fighter at a distinct tactical disadvantage, because player two can just choose a character to counter player one's strengths. Retards.

Other than that, it's quite good.

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