Thursday 6 September 2007

‘It’s all in the reflexes.’

I watched an old 80s favourite last night, John Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China. Fuck me is was good fun; much better than the majority of formulaic crap that's being churned out in Hollywood these days. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I've decided to post some of the most most awesome things about it:
  1. It used wire-fu, years before anyone had heard of The Matrix, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or Yuen Woo-ping.
  2. At this point in her life, Kim Cattrall was still smokin’ hot!
  3. It stars Victor Wong, playing a character called Egg Shen!
  4. One of the other characters is called ‘Wang’. Snigger.
  5. The Three Storms are cool, especially the bloke who looks like Raiden from Mortal Kombat.
  6. The main villain has a giant neon-covered skull in his basement.
  7. One of the Storms literally explodes after over-inflating himself!
  8. Thunder speaks perfect 'Engrish'.
  9. Miao Yin.
  10. ‘It’s all in the reflexes.’

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