Saturday 6 October 2007

The problem with creating a blog when you're drunk is that you often forget that you have one. I've been so caught up in the events of the past fortnight (rugby and life in general) that I haven't bothered to add anything. Anyway, that's set to change now.

Here's what I posted on a rugby site last weekend:

Reading all of these negative comments is starting to become a little boring now. Is Stuart Barnes writing them? He certainly doesn't seem to be able to muster a positive comment during his commentary. Let's not forget, Tonga ran SA close last week. I know some will claim it was a second-string SA side, but they are still world-class players.

Fair enough, it wasn't a vintage performance from England, but we ran out comfortable winners and there were some extremely satisfying moments. Some of the interplay by the forwards was excellent, I thought Sheridan looked good in the loose, Moody put his body on the line, and Sackey realised he has a pair of hands... I'm not a big fan of either Tait or Faz, but to see them getting over the line was great and must do a lot for their confidence. Wilko's vision for the first try was also impressive. The kicking is a worry, but so many world-class kickers complaining about the balls has to count for something.

I take the point about the ref, but to be honest he's far from the worst I've seen in this tournament (*cough* Kaplan *cough*). I was moderately annoyed that he didn't penalise for the dummy from the back of the ruck early on (even after warning them), but I felt that he was at least consistent and - above all - talked to the players.

I don't think we'll go much further than the quarter finals, but at least we restored a little pride.

I have to say, much of that is spot on, but I'll be glad if I'm wrong about the last comment. Having seen both France and New Zealand play this evening, I fancy our chances if we can replicate our performance from this afternoon. There's just no way that either could compete against our pack, and now that we know the French are though I'm even happier. Sure they might have beaten us twice before the tournament, but that matters not. It's winner takes all on Saturday, and I think we might just be able to pull it off on the day.

Anyway, I'll leave you with my favourite image from today's action ;)